Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 23

I just realized that yesterday was friday!! Oh no!! It's ok though, because I can still pointlessly talk about a song from 500 Days of Summer on a Saturday. I know, I know, it's not the same, but we'll just have to make due this once.

This week, I've been getting the very first song in the movie in my head a lot. You know, the one that starts with a whistle and plays behind the narrator's opening monologue? It's not super noticeable since you're probably paying attention to the narrator while it's playing, but after one's tenth viewing of 500 Days, the score begins to become subliminally embedded in one's brain and becomes the soundtrack to everything one does. I think the sweet, melancholic yet hopeful tone of this song has suited my life pretty well recently, so maybe that's why it keeps repaying in my head. For instance, I'll be getting ready to leave the house, and then the moment I step out the door, the whistle will come in to set the tone for the day. Or in another scenario, I'll be walking down the street and I'll pause for a second at a street corner, and in that moment of quiet, the song will make its way in. Is this movie driving me insane? Possibly. But I think I'm ok with it.
I also love the idea presented in the opening scene that everything is not ok but ok at the same time. Life! Hopefully after 477 more viewings, it'll all make sense.

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