Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 8

Today I watched 500 Days with my buddies Junior and Meaghan. It's awesome how watching something with other people makes it seem different, no matter how many times in a row you've just watched it. I feel like I have a new favorite scene every time I watch, so I thought it'd be fun to see which parts other people love. Here are the results!:

Junior's Favorite Part: When Tom smashes plates in his kitchen immediately following the break-up, which seems SO fun but also SO inconvenient! Now you have to lug your depressed self back to IKEA to get more plates, which will surely stir up some painful memories. Way to go, Jo-Go

Meaghan's Favorite Part: When Tom and Summer are running around playing house in IKEA. I'm pretty sure the IKEA employees were way less than stoked to have a couple of crazies mackin' on all of their furniture, but I guess you don't think about that kind of thing when you're Zooey Deschanel or are semi-dating Zooey Deschanel.

It makes total sense that Junior, who is single and has had her heart broken not so long ago, loves the scenes where Tom is comically heartbroken, because she can relate to and find solace in that pain. Similarly, Meaghan likes the lighthearted scenes where Tom and Summer are totally happy and in love, because she is in love. I'm sure every person whose ever been in a relationship or has had their heart broken can relate to most of this movie, which is why it is so amazing. 500 Days unites us in our heartbreak. SO DEEP!
Today, my favorite part is when Tom starts working on his sketches again, probably because that's where I feel like I am, or at least that's where I want to be.

Actually, this is where I want to be. You go, Jo-Go.

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